Monday, March 16, 2020

Positive Right Action

It seems we’re living in a dystopian novel. We are faced with food lines and quarantine for the first time in generations. Our fear grows with each new story about another facility or public event cancelled.

As a person who has lived in fear most of my life, it is disconcerting to see the panic surrounding the coronavirus epidemic. We have lines in grocery stores and shelves are wiped clean, businesses are losing their livelihoods that depend on direct contact with clients, and even our friends stand back so many feet while speaking to us.

I understand having to take precautions but running in fear mode doesn’t do anyone any good and puts stress upon ourselves. 

Ideally, those who have contracted the virus or traveled to foreign countries would self-quarantine, or those who have any other contagious illnesses would cover their noses and mouths with a tissue, or we all washed our hands and used antiseptic lotions or wipes. Basically, if we all used common sense, there would be no need for mass hysteria.
So we’re not in an ideal world, I get that.

Yet we can move through fear and panic 
with positive right action.

Don’t lose sight of your humanity. Have compassion for others who are struck not just physically, but financially, because of the virus. Having come from an impoverished childhood, I can understand how not everyone can afford to buy bottled water or two large packages of toilet paper at a time or diapers in bulk. Not everyone can afford to take time off from work.

Whether it’s helping someone with food or basic home necessities, supporting local businesses, or walking a pet for someone who is ill, be a stand for peace and calm in a trying time. This will pass, and it will flow all the easier if we remember to be heart-centered and a part of the solution.

Share this reminder with anyone who may need it.

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